The Leadership Mirror

As an Executive coach, there is one question I have had to field from leaders across businesses and nations. While on the surface, the query may seem to vary, the essence is more often than not the same. It boils down to them asking, "Jag, what kind of a leader do you think I ought to be?"
Thankfully, John Quincy Adams answered this rather well when he said - Act in a manner that you inspire others to:
Dream more - without which there would be no moonshots, no innovations..nothing
Learn more - so that there is continuous learning (a competence that I regularly urge corporate houses to incorporate within their competency framework)
Do more - so that execution is managed the absence of which the Dreams would be no more than a fantasy fiddle
Become more - maximizing potential so that followers today become leaders for tomorrow
Amen to that.....
Leadership HR Workplace John quincy adams Leader