Mantra of the Month - an intention setting practice

 “My energy creates my reality”

The acronym “VUCA” best describes the time we live in. Volatile, Uncertain, Chaotic, and Ambiguous. As if the pandemic was not enough, the geo-political situation, rising prices, and energy crisis, among other things makes us feel as if the odds are stacked up against us. Added to this is the constant media narrative of gloom and doom. 

The more important question is, “How do we cope in these times of extreme turbulence?” Related to this, “What can each of us do at an individual level?”

Taking responsibility to create our personal reality, distinct from what’s happening in the world, seems to be the best way to stay afloat. For instance, there may be very little we can do about the energy crisis in the world, but we can certainly choose to exercise control over our personal energy. It is all about focusing on things that fall within our scope of influence and control, things that we can do something about and which create a positive impact. 

Thoughts, habits, activities and people, are the key components in our personal energy. Imagine your energy akin to soup. The key ingredients in the soup being your thoughts, habits, activities and people. Would you not want to cook the best tasting soup ever? Would you not pay attention to adding the best quality ingredients in the perfect measure? I am certain you would! How would you make that possible? By becoming mindful of how each ingredient - each thought, habit, activity and person is either adding to the aroma of the soup, or taking away from it. 

This month’s mantra is intended to support you in stirring up your own special energy soup. And the Mantra is: 

“My energy creates my reality”

Embrace all that is creative, desirable, pleasurable and vibrant and observe your energy rising. Let go of all that is crippling, draining and painful and create space for joy, peace and calm to enter into your life. May you begin the journey of mindfulness with what you allow to enter and stay in your life, and what you release and let go of. 

Go back to the things that make you happy, spend time in nature, create art, listen to music, watch that favorite movie, call a friend, and enjoy the tastes and flavors of what you eat. 

Last but not the least, slow down and remember to BREATHE!

Repeat the mantra “My energy creates my reality”

Let these powerful words support you in creating your new personal reality filled with peace and prosperity.

My energy creates my reality