Balancing Human Touch and HR Tech

Over the past few years, the role of HR in the looming future has been under debate. People have questioned how automation will impact the HR function. That being said, recent events – the pandemic and its associated implications – have shifted the question to how HR will find the balance between HR touch and HR tech, given the importance of both in shaping the workplace of the future. 

Fortunately, data suggests that there has been an upsurge in the sheer number of HR jobs, with HR securing a much more suitable position in the organizational structure, thanks to technology. The bigger question however is finding the right balance between technology enablement and core HR. Unfortunately, it is difficult if not improbable to derive the magical formula that would put a number or a percentage to X (Tech) and Y (Human touch).

The connotation of balance isn't 50: 50 as it is. There is no machine or algorithm that would precisely illustrate the right blend when talking about people centric processes. Depiction of the ‘Balance approach’ has evolved from Equalto Apt, from what is conventionally correct to what is right today, and from generic to personalized.

The equilibrium today is defined as what is appropriate. It may be 2% of X and 98% of Y or vise-versa. In my opinion, we need to re-define Balanceto make it fit the current paradigm. I am using the acronym of the word Balanceitself to express how different this term is in the contemporary context from what it has been conventionally perceived to be. 


The pandemic pushed people to believe that technology is a necessity and imperative for organizations to embrace it in order to survive. Advancements in technology have also helped leaders recognize that the robotic system alone wouldn't help, no matter how splendid and accurate the flow is. Organizations have realized that while technology has successfully managed transactional elements and simplified processes, the human touch has still proven critical in making individuals feel connected and appreciated. Organizations have therefore evolved a blended approach where both technology and the human touch have been applied in the right measure to obtain desired results and keep employees engaged.


Considering diverse aspects like boundaryless organizations, it is not entirely plausible to set a reasonable ratio for workforce categorization. Take for instance, vital issues such as Hybridand the Future of work. At this point in time, we may not even know how effectively we would be able to identify and address challenges linked to people, locations, preferences, limitations, workspace, and working hours. HR must identify the organization's projects and individual’s necessities to determine the appropriate strategy. It is seldom about a perfect solution per se. Invariably, it should be about the specific requirements of individuals and the organization. Again, it is not about toeing the trend but aabout reaching a purposeful end.


The spread is vast. There is a tool for every demand. The question is how effectively can we connect the dots within our organization? For instance, is HR merely taking care of people strategy by simplifying processes and enabling connect through various initiatives? Or do we define strategy in line with a purpose-driven agenda aligned with the overarching vision for the business and the organization? The approach should cater to upskilling, collaboration, communication, team bonding and should have the pulse of the employees. Processes should be simplified and empathetic to allow for requests from employees for help in-person or for meetings as the need may be. HR intent should align with Business requirements to define how and what can be enabled through technology and what should be managed by humans.


At times, because we might have made significant investments in a particular direction, we like to enforce everything at one go. Even when it is noticeable that the said approach isn't proving adequate or effective, we might tend to exhibit rigidity in switching to a different approach. It is universally accepted that the world is transforming at a pace not seen prior. However, we expend precious time to acknowledge and adjust to changing paradigms. Technology and the human touch has to be employee-centric. Organizations and leaders must find ways of staying relevant. There will be areas like Initial hiring where the role of technology will trump that of the human touch. On the other hand, when we consider processes like addressing POSH concerns, the human touch, and in-person interactions and involvement will play a far more significant part than technology. So, the need must define the composition.


Believing in a one-size-fits-all approach may be fallacious. What worked for some may or may not work for others, because each organization is unique. Leaders should avoid generalizing scenarios, people's needs, and situations as it will compel pre-defined combinations that worked at a point in time but may no longer be relevant or effective. The approach has to be clear, clean, and relevant to contemporary needs. The long-term impact has to be considered and thought-through, and with a mindset that's authentic and non-judgmental.


Insert a human touch into your technology solutions wherever needed, irrespective of how convinced you are that tech per se can work all the magic. Eschew a rigid approach while defining the need as per your assumptions, perceptions, trends, and past experiences. When dealing with humans, it is more helpful to be sensitive to their acceptance and concerns rather than being enamored with the purported perfection of our own pre-defined processes.


The ratio, composition, or percentage between Technology and the Human touch is not that important. What is more pertinent and meaningful is that the blended approach should be practical and pragmatic. It should help the organization grow with, and through its people. Yes, the entire world is talking about metaverse and Interactive AI, but if your organization feels that with tech, our human touch has to be equally high or higher than tech, so be it. Whatever works in your specific context is correct.

The fact is that Balanceis no longer about achieving a sum total of 100. Nor, as aforesaid, is it about being a fixed 50:50. 

If the need of the hour is to go full-on (100%) with tech, and overlay it with Human touch to help both People and the Business to grow, what is the harm? Who is stopping organizations from breaking the conventional formula of Balance? Crossing the line is not always sinful. The result defines if it was a hit or a miss!

The good news is that we predominantly deal with people and processes. We have humans to take care of people, emotions and people-centric processes. And Technology to enable HR people and simplify processes. All the ingredients required to dish out the magic recipe, exist. The key is to be more mindful before we start cooking. Add elements as per the individuals’ taste. Remember that technology and the Human touch should be the core components of most of our recipes.

AI is Transforming HR, with metaverse in the frame and interactive AI to be as effective as humans. The journey will not be simple to define and execute. The struggle is real. It is no less confounding than a jig-saw puzzle. Perhaps the frames are identical. However, the actual picture could be different and unique; as must the solution. The needed approach will demand experimentation, exploration, adaptation, acceptance, consideration, and much more to represent the most promising strategy for every unique scenario, which uncontrollably keeps changing with time.  

The future of HR is a mystery though most of us endeavor to gaze through the proverbial crystal ball to try and decipher the unknown. If I were to take a considered guess, I would think it will most likely never be Tech orHuman touch,  but Tech andHuman touch. 

HR Tech is getting more Human. It might be the perfect time for HR to become a little more Tech. 

Define, create and re-define your balanceas many times as needed.

Co-create and complement!

HR Tech