Mantra of the Month “I AM open to CHANGE”
Change is an act or process through which something becomes different. This process is an inherent part of every living system and everything around us is changing all the time. We know that ‘Change’ is an inevitable truth of life and perhaps the only constant. Most of us are cursed with an inherent need to keep things the same. Because in our mind we have equated ‘same’ with ‘safe’. It feels like our life is set upon a path of least resistance. We are reluctant to face the unknown, let alone feel discomfort or suffer pain. This resistance to change is the very thing that kills our spirit. It makes us less than what we are capable of being. It stunts all growth.
The Sufi poet, Rumi’s words, “The wound is the place from which the light enters” are perhaps the exact reminder needed here. When we make peace with not knowing what will happen next, we become open and vulnerable. When we let go of our resistance to experiencing pain, uncertainty, and maybe even failure; and accept the cyclical nature of life, we stand at the threshold of a door that opens up to infinite possibilities.
Imagine if you were granted a boon to simply be open to Change; to merely be willing to experiment. You could experience life so much more than you are at the current moment. Have you observed a baby taking their first step? They focus only on that one step they need to take; then on the next one, and then the one after that. One step at a time. Wonder where this wisdom got lost along the way? How about us just being open to the next step towards Change rather than scaring ourselves as we imagine the challenges of taking the next 100 or 1000 steps?
As the winds of Change sweep into your life, if you can make “I AM open to Change” your mantra, it is likely that you will start enjoying the process of Change and become open to the possibilities of transformation and growth in your life. So take a deep breath and repeat the mantra, “I am open to Change” as and when needed until it becomes a doorway to bring to you all that is for your highest good.
Say it, embrace it and live it …. “I am open to Change”
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