The Oxford dictionary defines the word creative as “relating to or involving the use of the imagination or original ideas to create something”.

The word creative or creativity often gets mistaken or mixed up with being artistic. Not to say that artistic pursuits are devoid of creativity; on the contrary, they are all about being creative. However, being creative does not stop at being artistic. One can use creative force in every aspect of life if one chooses. While processing the events happening around us, or while dealing with people or problems, do not judge them and slot them into extreme categories such as black or white; good or bad; easy or difficult; but rather embrace your imagination and originality to find your own unique ways of looking at the situation, person or problem at hand. 

Albert Einstein summed it up beautifully when he said, 

"Creativity is seeing what others see and thinking what no one else ever thought.”

When life throws curve balls at us, most of us think “this is happening tome” and we feel we are victims of our circumstances. However, when we use our creativity to change our perspective and say “this is happening forme” we completely transform our narrative. We become open to learning from the occurences in our life and start operating from a ‘creative’ mode leading to newer ways of functioning. 

The best products or services that we get to enjoy today are a result of someone’s creative thinking. We do acknowledge that creativity is at the root of every innovation and it is also important to acknowledge that creativity is inherent in all human beings; just that some choose to use it and most don’t. The fear of failure, and the shame of being mocked, comes in the way of us embracing our creative side. And needless to say, somewhere within, life starts feeling restrictive and limited by circumstances. Only if we could start enjoying the process of being creative without always looking for the results; we could open the doors to so many possibilities. 

As you continue on this adventure called life; if you can make “I AM CREATIVE” your mantra, it is likely that you will start tapping into inner resources you did not even know existed within you. The so-called “dead ends” get replaced with new doorways. You will stumble upon surprising solutions leading to the most unexpected breakthroughs. Your creativity will shine a light on your untapped potential. Take a deep breath and make the mantra


an integral part of your daily ritual.  Make a choice to welcome and embrace the ‘creative’ you who is way more capable while also being fun and adventurous. 

Say it, embrace it, and live it …. “I am CREATIVE”