I am Balanced

 The Collins dictionary defines the word balance as “having equilibrium between contrasting, opposing, or interacting elements”

The definition very clearly speaks to the reality of life - there will always be contrasting and opposing elements interacting with each other. There are a few of us who are not ready to accept this reality of life and live with a feeling of distress at all times, most othersare trying to figure out how to manage these contrasting and opposing elements. However a few seem to have cracked this code and a close look at their life reminds one of the wise words of the famous Sufi poet Rumi

“Life is a balance between holding on and letting go” 

Rumi’s wisdom can be seen unfolding very beautifully in nature. Nature shows us that there are times to hold on and times to let go. Winters are for hibernation, spring for flowering and blooming, summers for enjoying the abundance; and autumn brings with it a time for release. Almighty nature is cyclical - it has to slow down, put in the work to grow, enjoy the bounty and release all that needs to go; so that new can be born again. Nature does create a state of equilibrium and balance between opposing and interacting elements by honoring the need of the hour.

Most human efforts get drawn towards managing & balancingthe outer world, so that as to get a feeling of being in control. An important point that goes amiss is that we have very little control over the external. One notices that most people longing for work life balance are expecting the scales of their professional and personal life to look perfectly balanced. When this turns out to be an impossible feat, it leads to inevitable disappointment. The struggle and striving to achieve work life balance at all times and having a picture of how that should look in our external environment often leads us onto a hamster wheel which gets us nowhere. 

Instead of misplaced attention to the ‘external’, our focus needs to be on how we can remain balanced‘within’during all the seasons of ourlife and learn the delicate art of holding on and letting go. 

We need to ask ourselves from time to time - Are we in a state of internal balance? Are we holding on to the ropes gently enough to be able to let go when needed? Can we be in a state of grace and joy as we learn to experience the ups and downs each season has to offer?Are we able to create a balance between “being” & “doing”?  It all finally comes down to creating balance ‘within’ rather than finding balance ‘outside’.

If you make “I am balanced” your mantra it is likely that you will stop seeking balance externally and start experiencing its existence deep within you. Bringing in a balance between your in-breath and out-breath while repeating the mantra “I AM BALANCED” can prove to be a powerful tool to embrace the “new balanced” you who can deal with the opposing and interacting elements of life with ease and grace. 

Say it, embrace it and live it …. “I am Balanced” 

I am Balanced