Looking at sustainability goals, post pandemic

In My Last post I have mentioned about Pandemic and its lessons which taught us to be adaptable to change, also taught us words like Hybrid, Work from Home Etc. etc.

Now the Pandemic is over and we have experienced the turmoil and the toll which has taken in our lives, businesses (small, medium or big) and we are still licking our wounds. But the show must go on…we need to create a sustainable atmosphere.

No… It’s not only the responsibility of the Top management of a company, or just the elders in a family. It is everyone’s responsibility. I Personally feel that, Sustainability is not a management term, it has become a necessity in our day to day life.

After the Pandemic, there has been lot of layoffs, Salary cuts, Company’s losing business and obviously margins, so this word “Sustainability” which was lying somewhere back in our minds has suddenly erupted and taken the driver’s seat. Lot of rules were set in our own households like eating out, Holidays, shopping, outing, we are scared, we somehow sustained in one pandemic attack, are we ready for any more calamity like that. Similarly, in Corporates, the mantra for sustainability is let’s focus on “Need to Do than Good to do”. The bottom line is Everyone is creating their own Sustainability Goals, house hold or Business houses, so that we are not caught off guard and we are better prepared for any such instance in the future.

The word sustainable means being able to maintain a certain consistency and being able to maintain a level. Sustainable Development Goals refer to such goals that can help improve our surroundings; be it our organization or society or the world at a large.

If we talk about sustainability goals at a macro level, let us say we are talking about the sustainability goals of the Earth then it would imply end of poverty, end of Inequality, protection of Forest, protection of Justice etc.

Similarly, when we are talking about the sustainability goals for an organization, we must look at what we currently need to do sustain or survive and maintain a consistency. Pandemic had hit us bad, and it is at that point in time that we embraced alternatives to survive not only as human beings but the industries, companies etc they all have. During the pandemic we embraced alternatives such as work from home, hybrid working models, virtual meets etc to get the work going.

Without the companies embracing this change, they would not have survived.

But now with things changing post pandemic again we must embrace the change for the companies to sustain and grow. You see flexibility is very important is growth.

In the post-pandemic era, it is important that more systematic solutions be found and adopted. Such solutions can be enhanced by reclassifying the SDG and coordinating multiple resources and policies, and promoting and consolidating economic, technological, and cultural collaboration.

In the post-pandemic era, more systematic solutions need to be adopted. This can be enhanced by reclassifying the SDG status by interlinking multiple resources and policies and consolidating economic structures, technological and cultural collaboration.

Sustainability goals post pandemic:

Pandemic has led to lack of connectivity and globalization.

To address this barrier progress, and cope with the multiple challenges that the SDG progress is facing its best that in the post-pandemic SDG actions adopt we make a systematic framework of Classification and Implementation.

Strengthening Economic cooperation is important to strengthen global economic partnership.

Economic cooperation to strengthen global economic partnership: Different stakeholders urgently need adopt customized responsibilities to build a stable global economic environment.

The experts recommend the below three actions relevant results: (i) Provide economic assistance to backward communities/regions and small scale industries (ii) allocates funds, ensuring efficiency and equitable use. (ii) Strengthen international relations by implementing actions that optimize production and improvement and leads to increase in employment, to avoid natural resource and human labour wastages

Technological cooperation to promote technical innovation and Implementation:

There is an urgent need for technology industry to strengthen the technical innovation to Build platforms for collaboration that will provide more channels for joint businesses and technology transfer between countries We also need to shed light on cultivating international talents to stimulate innovation and unleash greater potential by collaborating.

Cooperation between cultures will also help is sustainable development values. By the way of respecting cultural diversity, organizations need to take action to nurture a culture of global sustainability and values.

Now trying to Sum it up from a Layman’s Lens, remember this story narrated to me by my grandma, why always Ants carry food and store in their Nests below the Ant Hill. Now I realize why we always say, save it for the rainy daysand ants save it for

winters. May be to Sustain and this is Perhaps Sustainability. We knew it, but Pandemic Reinforced it.

Happy Reading!!!!!!!
