India as the ‘talent-granary’ of the world.

India’s history of equipping the world with game-changing talent and resources is not new.

As far back as 427 CE, people travelled from far away countries to learn from Indian masters in Nalanda University, about astronomy, mathematics, science, medicine, economics, philosophy, religion and more. 

From zero to chess, buttons, shampoo, Ayurveda, immunisation, discovering water on the moon, launching the largest number of satellites on a single flight by any space agency and much more, Indians have been proving themselves and introducing life-changing things into the world!

Mined in India, polished for the world: 24 Carat talent

India is now steadily developing a reputation as the talent-granary of the world. The country is being recognised as the go-to place for top-of-the-line talent in different areas. India has a diverse basket of industries where the nation has  displayed market leadership – in terms of quality of people, products and services.  

Infographic:  Healthcare, Pharma, Life Sciences, Academia, Retail, Wholesale, Distribution, Travel, Technology, Hospitality, Entertainment, Media, Publishing, Digitization, the entire basket of IT services, Food tech, Agricultural Sciences, Metals, Automobiles, Textiles, Fashion and Design, Internet services, Banking and Financial Services, Manufacturing, Space, Defence, Transportation, Management, Media, Gems and Jewellery, Shipping 

Going up the value chain

In the last two decades, Indian talent has moved up the value chain and started providing avant-garde services in software development, product engineering, research and development, chip design, Ai, ML, IoT, Cloud services, Telecommunications, UPI, Infrastructure building capacity, Electrification, Green Energy, Electric Mobility, Sustainability, etc

The transformation 

This transformation is a story of perseverance, resilience, and hard work. Today, our talent pool is one of the largest in the world, and our professionals are much sought after in the global job market. 

Thanks to the huge emphasis on education, India produces almost 7 million graduates, 1.5 million engineers and 300,000-plus MBAs, 90,000 doctors, 70,000 lawyers, 8,48,000 diploma holders every year. This massive, qualified pool, many of who are English-speaking, are looking for growth and for opportunities. They attracting multinational companies who are looking at setting up operations in different parts of the world, and in India. 

The change drivers:

Several industries in India have also acted as the catalyst for this transformation. Some of them are:

Information Technology (IT): India is recognized as a global leader in ITservices, including outsourcing. There are 1000 plus SaaS businesses in India, and these are expected to grow to $70-$100 billion by 2030, according to a McKinsey report. NASSCOM projects that the Indian IT industry alone as the potential to create more than 30 million jobs by 2025.

Electronics: In consumer electronics, local brands are scaling to become top global playersand are increasingly adding local manufacturing, design, and R&D to capture more value. 

Pharmaceutical Industry: India has a large pool of scientists, researchers, and engineers who are working on new trials and developing new drugs and medicines. We are proud to be seen as the vaccine capital of the world. 

Communication Technology: Communication technology is seeing unprecedented growth in India. Interestingly, India’s 600mn smart phone usersare using innovative, homegrown apps for payments, to study, play games, buy and sell products, watch movies and learn new things every day. This is a big boost for domestic ingenuity and innovation. 

Healthcare: Patients from around the world come to India for high-quality, affordable healthcare services. Our healthcare industry offers cutting-edge technologies such as tele medicine, robotic surgeries, Aifor predictive analysis and other world-class services 

Green Energy: India’s commitment to increasing renewable energy capacity and reducing dependence on fossil fuelsis a big attraction for global companies who are looking at decreasing their carbon footprint by partnering with such a mindset. Our large pool of skilled professionals working in the renewable energy sector, include engineers, scientists, researchers, government officials and NGOs 

The Indian government is parallelly mapping global skill-set requirements to identify the skilled manpower needs of various nations, since there has been an upsurge in demand for skilled manpower from India. 

Obviously, the spotlight is once again on India – for the invaluable pool of abundant talent that the country is mining and polishing, for the world.

Green Energy Healthcare