Revamping HR Communications: Adding Interest, Humour, Innovation, and Effectiveness


In the realm of Human Resources (HR), effective communication plays a pivotal role in shaping the success and well-being of organizations and their employees. In today's fast-paced and dynamic work environments, from recruitment and onboarding to performance management and employee engagement, communication lies at the heart of every HR function. It is the catalyst that fosters collaboration, builds trust, and enables the growth of individuals and teams within the workplace. At the helm of human resources, communication emerges as a critical tool for driving organizational success. Hence, incorporating elements of interest, humour, innovation, and effectiveness into HR communications, organizations can revolutionize the way they connect with their employees. We will explore practical strategies and ideas to make HR communications both captivating and impactful.

Know Your Audience:

To create compelling HR communications, it's crucial to understand your target audience. Taking some  time to study employees' demographics, interests, and communication preferences enables  to tailor messages effectively and make them more engaging. And I think all of us know that this is communication 101.


One powerful way to capture employees' attention is through storytelling. Humanizing HR communications by sharing real-life anecdotes or success stories that demonstrate the positive impact of HR initiatives leads to a great impact These stories evoke emotions, making the messages relatable and memorable. Stories can be told through various formats such as videos,vlogs, podcasts, blogs, newsletters and so on.

Inject Humor:

Humor is a universal language that can lighten the mood and create a positive workplace environment. Incorporating tasteful humor into  HR communications makes them more enjoyable and relatable. Consider adding funny images, witty captions, or humorous anecdotes that align with the message you want to convey. A well-placed joke or amusing video can go a long way in grabbing employees' attention.

Embrace Visuals:

Humans are visual creatures, and incorporating visually appealing elements can significantly enhance the impact of HR communications. Use infographics, charts, or videos to present information in a more engaging and easily digestible format. Visuals not only make the content more interesting but also improve comprehension and retention. Now a days we emojis and  GIFs as well that are visual, humourous and impactful. Just be sure to  avoid overloading  communication with too many or too complex visuals that may distract or confuse their audience.


Introducing  gamification elements to HR communications fosters engagement and interactivity. Design quizzes, polls, or competitions related to HR policies, benefits, or training programs. By adding a touch of competition and rewards, one can make the learning process enjoyable and encourage participation. 

Innovative Channels:

The need of the hour is to step away from traditional email communication and explore innovative channels to deliver HR messages. Utilize social media platforms, internal chat tools, or even dedicated HR communication apps to reach employees. Experimenting with video messages, podcasts, or live webinars will create a more interactive and personalized experience. It is great to use video messages or vlogs (video blogs) to deliver important HR communications. HR professionals can record short videos to announce company-wide updates, introduce new policies or initiatives, or share success stories. Video messages add a personal touch and allow employees to visually connect with HR representatives.

Starting an HR-focused podcast that covers various topics of interest to employees is also helpful.  Inviting HR professionals, leaders, or external experts to share insights, tips, and guidance on career development, well-being, and work-life balance is a great way to build a development and learning based culture. Podcasts provide a convenient and accessible format for employees to stay informed and inspired.

Social Network:

Establishing internal social networking platforms exclusively for employees encourage cross-departmental collaboration, knowledge sharing, and informal communication. Employees can share ideas, seek advice, and celebrate achievements, fostering a sense of community and teamwork.


Personalized HR communications make employees feel valued and acknowledged. Tailoring messages to individuals or specific employee groups, addressing their unique needs and concerns enhances employee experience. Using segmentation techniques to send relevant information, such as training opportunities, career development, or benefits, based on employee roles or departments make it high on value proposition and user experience.

Visual Infographics and Microlearning: Presenting complex HR information, policies, or processes through visually appealing infographics is also very helpful. Infographics can simplify complex topics, making them more accessible and easier to understand. Additionally, employ microlearning techniques by delivering bite-sized training modules or educational materials that employees can access on-demand.

Encourage Feedback and Conversation:

Promoting an open dialogue by encouraging employees to provide feedback, ask questions, and share suggestions through  online forums, surveys, polls, focus groups, interviews,  suggestion boxes, or HR helpdesk platforms  facilitate collection of  input from employees on various areas including communication efforts. Actively listening and responding to employee feedback, demonstrates that their voices are heard and valued and hence enhanced employee experience.


Revamping HR communications to be interesting, funny, innovative, and effective is a powerful way to enhance employee engagement and strengthen the HR-employee relationship. By implementing strategies like storytelling, humor, visuals, gamification, and personalized communication, HR can create an environment where employees look forward to receiving HR messages. When HR communications are engaging and relatable, they become powerful tools for driving positive change and fostering a vibrant workplace culture and above all create a unique employee experience for the employees.

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