Igniting Excellence: The Importance of Employee recognition


Employee recognition plays a pivotal role in fostering a positive work environment and motivating employees to excel.  At Kreate, we firmly believe that recognizing and appreciating employees is vital for igniting excellence in the workplace. Our personalized recognition initiatives are based on research conducted by the esteemed ‘Harvard Business Review’. According to their findings, personalized recognition significantly enhances employees' sense of value and belonging, leading to a positive impact on performance. By customizing our recognition efforts, we deepen the connection employees feel with the organization and foster greater engagement, motivation and overall job satisfaction.

In this article, we will explore the significance of employee recognition, backed by data and real-life examples.

1. Boosting Performance:Boostingperformance in the workplace is crucial for maximizing productivity, boosting morale, and increasing job satisfaction. Numerous studies consistently demonstrate that employees who feel valued and appreciated are more engaged and committed to their work. To achieve this positive impact, recognition should be a regular practice rather than an occasional event.

Here are some examples of initiatives implemented at .Kreate :

1.1. Employee of the Month, Quarter and Year:To recognize significant and outstanding value-added contributions by employees, we have implemented a recognition system that includes titles such as’ Employee of the Month’,’ Employee of the Quarter’, and ‘Employee of the Year’. These awards serve to highlight exceptional performance and motivate employees to strive for excellence. Additionally, top performers are honoured with ‘Gold and Silver medals’ and are invited to join the ‘Chairman's Club’, which offers exclusive benefits.

1.2. Variable Pay:To incentivize employees and reward their accomplishments, we have introduced two types of variable pay. The first is ‘Fixed Variable Pay’, which is paid on a quarterly basis, providing employees with a consistent additional income. The second type is Variable Pay released upon the successful completion of targets. We ensure that earned Variable Pay for field staff is promptly disbursed, recognizing their hard work and dedication.

2. Creating a Culture of Appreciation: Creating a Culture of Appreciationwithin an organization is paramount for fostering a supportive and encouraging work environment. Recognizing employees' contributions and achievements not only boosts morale but also plays a vital role in enhancing employee retention rates. At Kreate, we have implemented several initiatives to nurture a culture of appreciation and here are a few examples :

2.1.Circle of Extraordinary Accomplishment: To celebrate exceptional contributions by our employees, we organize an annual program called the ‘Circle of Extraordinary Accomplishment.’ This initiative aims to recognize and honour individuals who have made significant strides in advancing the organization's goals. By showcasing their achievements, we reinforce the culture of appreciation and inspire others to strive for excellence.

2.2. Wall of recognition: At. Kreate, we have dedicated a ‘Wall of Recognition’  to celebrate employee accomplishments. This wall serves as a visual representation of our appreciation and recognition efforts. Employees are invited to leave their handprints on the wall, symbolizing their valuable contributions. By showcasing these handprints, we emphasize the significance of each individual's role in our collective success.

2.3.Client Impact Award: In our IT organization, we have introduced the ‘Client Impact Award’ program. This initiative recognizes employees who have demonstrated exceptional results for clients or have made significant contributions to the Company. By acknowledging their outstanding performance and dedication, we reinforce the importance of client satisfaction and encourage a customer-centric mind-set.

3. Providing tangible rewards:As part of recognition programs is an effective way to demonstrate the Company's genuine appreciation for employees' hard work. These rewards serve as tangible tokens of recognition, emphasizing that their efforts are valued and recognized. At. Kreate, we understand the importance of tangible rewards and have implemented the following initiatives.

3.1. Gift Cards and Spot Awards: As a way to acknowledge outstanding performance, we offer tangible rewards such as ‘Gift Cards’ to employees who have excelled in their roles. These gift cards provide individuals with the opportunity to choose a reward that suits their personal preferences, further enhancing their sense of appreciation. Additionally, we have ‘Spot Awards’ in place, recognizing exceptional achievements on the spot, which can include monetary rewards or other initiatives.

3.2. Project Delivery Awards: In the IT sector, successful project completion is a significant accomplishment. To celebrate these milestones, we have established ‘Project Delivery Awards’. These awards recognize teams or individuals who have delivered projects successfully, demonstrating exceptional performance, teamwork, and dedication. By providing tangible rewards for such achievements, we highlight the value we place on their contributions and motivate further excellence.

3.3. Team Building Activities: To foster a sense of camaraderie and celebrate important milestones, we organize ‘Team-Building Activities’. These activities serve as an opportunity for employees to come together, bond and reflect on their collective achievements. Whether it's a team outing, a celebratory event or a special gathering, these activities provide a platform to express appreciation, strengthen team spirit and reward collective efforts.

4.Power ofPersonalised Recognition:

At .Kreate, we firmly believe in the power of personalized recognition to elevate the employee experience and make individuals feel valued beyond their professional achievements. We have implemented a range of initiatives that showcase our commitment to celebrating success and appreciating our employees in unique and meaningful ways. Here are some notable examples:

4.1Great Parenting Award: We understand that our employees have important responsibilities beyond their roles within the organization. To honour their accomplishments as parents and recognize their dedication to their families, we introduced the concept of ‘Great Parenting Award’. By involving the entire family, we celebrate employees' achievements and make their loved ones proud. This personalized recognition demonstrates our commitment to supporting work-life balance and acknowledges the holistic well-being of our team members.

4.2. Long Service Awards: Loyalty and commitment are highly valued At. Kreate. To honour employees who have shown unwavering dedication over the years, we have established ‘Long Service Awards’. These awards are bestowed upon individuals who have completed significant milestones, such as 3, 5, 10 or 15 years of service. By recognizing their long-term contributions, we not only express our gratitude but also cultivate a sense of pride and belonging within the organisation.

5. Culture of Continuous Learning, Innovation & Support: We strive to create a ‘Culture of Continuous Learning, Innovation & support’ for our employees. We recognize that fostering a learning mind-set and encouraging innovative thinking are key drivers of growth and success. Here are some examples of initiatives we have implemented to promote continuous learning and innovation.

5.1.Linked Programs and Awards: To encourage continuous improvement in service delivery, we have linked programs such as the ‘Best Trainer Program’ and ‘Buddy Program’ with awards. This integration incentivizes employees to actively participate in these programs, fostering a culture of continuous learning and development. By recognizing and rewarding individuals who demonstrate exceptional skills and contribute to the growth of their peers, we create an environment that values ongoing improvement.

5.2.Learn and Grow Program: We believe in the power of learning from one another. Through our ‘Learn and Grow’ program, we provide frequent opportunities for employees to engage in coaching and mentoring relationships. This initiative allows them to tap into the expertise of their colleagues, build on their strengths and work towards their aspirational roles. By facilitating knowledge-sharing and professional development, we encourage a collaborative and supportive work culture.

5.3. Innovation Awards: We foster a culture of innovation by motivating employees to generate and implement new ideas. We have established ‘Innovation Awards’ to recognize and reward individuals who come up with innovative solutions or ideas that positively impact the organization. This initiative encourages creativity, problem-solving and a continuous quest for improvement, as employees are inspired to contribute their unique perspectives and drive innovation across the organisation.

6. To ignite excellence and cultivate a culture of recognitionAt.Kreate, we have implemented comprehensive recognition systems that encompass both financial and non-financial aspects. These systems are designed to honour outstanding ideas, long-term commitment, and exceptional performance, fostering continuous improvement and a culture of excellence. Here are some examples of our initiatives.

6.1.Peer to-Peer Recognition Program: We believe that recognition should come from peers who understand the value of commendable work. Therefore, we have established a ‘Peer-to-Peer recognition’ program At.Kreate. This program empowers employees to nominate their colleagues for their exceptional contributions. By encouraging a culture of acknowledgment and appreciation, we foster a supportive and collaborative work environment.

6.2. Gratitude Day Celebration:  At. Kreate, we understand the importance of expressing gratitude and recognizing the support we receive from others. To cultivate a sense of gratitude within our organization, we celebrate ‘Gratitude Day’ every year. This special day allows everyone to reflect on and appreciate the contributions and support of their colleagues. By dedicating time to recognize others, we strengthen relationships, foster a positive work environment, and enhance employee engagement.

6.3. Better Begins When You Are Together: We have introduced a recognition program called ‘Better Begins When You Are Together.’ This program encourages employees to actively recognize their colleagues for their efforts and achievements. By creating a platform for individuals to express appreciation and celebrate success, we reinforce the importance of collaboration and teamwork in driving excellence.


In conclusion,at Kreate, we understand the profound impact that recognition and appreciation have on fostering employee engagement, continuous learning, innovation and a culture of excellence. Through our comprehensive recognition systems, we have created a framework that encompasses both financial and non-financial aspects to honour outstanding ideas, long-term commitment and exceptional performance.

At Kreate, we firmly believe that recognition is not just a one-time event but an ongoing practice that fuels motivation, engagement, and a sense of pride in one's work. By consistently celebrating achievements, expressing gratitude, and nurturing a culture of appreciation, we are committed to creating an environment where every individual feels valued and inspired to excel.

Team Building