Big Reset

THERE IS NO GOING BACK! Prima facie, COVID-19 has  entwined everyone to click that “BIG RESET” button. Our  mindset evolved overnight equivocally; Plans, that  needed an overhaul of restructuring, were executed  within a few hours or days. This Pandemic taught us why  we should ‘NEVER SAY NEVER’. 
Undauntedly, PLACE AND THE MODUS OPERANDI  changed for everyone. Unanticipatedly, only terms that  remained quintessential were: VIRTUAL, ONLINE, WFH,  TECHNOLOGY, CARE, EMPATHY, WELLNESS, and  SAFETY. Organizations were worried; the impact was  such that management had to move PEOPLE over  NUMBERS in their priority list. 
The balance was needed to take care of people and  businesses to move from the SURVIVAL to the  CONTINUITY phase. That’s where the world showed  more reliance on HR. HR was the first to get identified as  a CHANGE AGENT, best of the bets to COMMUNICATE,  CONNECT, & COLLABORATE. From an admin expert to a  strategic partner, HR played all intricate roles supremely;  this yielded the GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY to HR to BREAK  ALL THE MYTHS in & around their defined responsibilities. Unabashedly, I must quote that they  performed superlatively well.
“Human Resources isn’t a thing we do. It’s  the thing that runs our business.”– Steve  Wynn 
As it is rightly said,"With great power comes great  responsibility". Responding to COVID-19, a few lessons  HR learned are: 
1. PEOPLE FIRST: Personal safety, health, and  wellbeing are paramount. With remote working, HR  has redefined the way of connecting and caring. 
2. COMMUNICATION: It’s the key. DIGITAL connect is  THE MEDIUM to collaborate. It’s not only THE BIG  PICTURE that gets shared, but little things also get  discussed and understood. 
3. TECHNOLOGY: It’s not an option but a necessity.  VIRTUAL is the new REAL. Digital transformation is  MANDATORY, and fortunately, this lesson has been  learned and practiced truly well. 
4. LEADERSHIP: As a leader, the fraternity struck the  right balance with poise. Zero tolerance on values  and ethics, strategies drawn are such that no  component gets defiled. 
5. REMOTE WORK: HR has learned to adapt and change  to accommodate the NEW NORMAL. Organizations  are planning and investing in new operating models  based on strong necessary foundations and flexible  business strategies. 
6. TIME: Pace will be defined, not selected. If you are  not in the 2nd phase of transformation already, you  are running late. 
7. REAL-TIME DATA: It’s more crucial than ever. In  times like this, it’s critical to have correct data points at the RIGHT time to take the BEST STRATEGIC DECISIONS. 
8. SURVIVAL & CONTINUITY PLANNING: No  emergency will announce and hit. HR, now, is  framing ADAPTABLE models. Planning is more  SCENARIO based, and systems are getting prepared  for the WORST to come. It’s always better to  PREPARE than REPAIR. 
9. EMPATHY: Employees are anxious because of  COVID-19 & NEW WAY OF WORK. Everybody’s  routine got disrupted; HR moved from a  GENERALIZED to a PERSONALIZED approach.  Compassion is evidently visible and valued. 
With these RESETS, HR today is much more robust,  powerful, and strategic. 

According to Darwinian Evolution Theory, ONLY THE  FITTEST WILL SURVIVE. With fittest, we mean, systems  have to be AGILE: flexible, adaptable, and adjustable. No  defined contingency plans will help organizations deal  with the unexpected. There is a massive responsibility  for HR to drive and thrive in this crisis. A holistic  approach has been adopted to CONNECT THE DOTS  WELL; to LEAD BUSINESS & PEOPLE TOGETHER! 
“The hardest challenge being an HR is  that sometimes you have to be the  LAWYER, the JUDGE, and the HANGMAN.”– Hassan Choughari 

Pandemic Technology Change Leadership Contingency planning Survival Mindset shift Future of work Work from home Risk Management Adaptability Change agent Virtual reality New normal HR