From Vision to Reality: The Journey of Effective Leadership

In today's dynamic business environment, the journey for New Managers is anything but gradual. Research underscores the challenge they face as they lack a gentle introduction to their role. The term 'New Manager' has a dual meaning. Firstly, it acknowledges their past achievements as individual contributors, signaling trust in their leadership potential. Secondly, it highlights the weight of responsibility they now bear, where success hinges not only on their own performance but on that of their entire team.Paradoxically, new managers, who are supposed to drive change, often find themselves as the ones being targeted for change. This transition brings about various challenges, including understanding the new role, coping with the emotional impact of change, and managing the change process effectively.

These challenges were also echoed by Colt business leaders and validated through various internal people matter and pulse surveys. Recognizing the complexities of this role, Colt aims to provide skills and support to build essential managerial capabilities. Our flagship program named as “Stepping Into Leadership” supports new managers at the very start of the managerial journey at Colt.

In line with Colt's overarching objectives, 'Stepping into Leadership' aims to achieve several key milestones.​ The Key objectives of the journey were:

  1. Role understanding post transition as a New Manager: Understand the role of a new manager and the transition required to perform the role​ effectively.
  2. Becoming a Colt Manager:Learn ways to give effective feedback and have performance conversations​​, while efficiently managing leadership styles to manage teams virtually.
  3. Driving Results: To set and drive goals through teams while displaying strong problem-solving behaviors and delegation.

This initiative represented Colt's commitment to fostering the growth and development of the new managers, aiding them in becoming more effective in their roles as people managers. The aim of this strategic learning journey was to equip them with essential skills and capabilities to enhance their performance in their current positions.

The program consists of multiple touchpoints like leadership assessment for self- awareness, core learning labs, bite-sized gamified learning, on-the-job application assignment and debrief to equip participants with the managerial skills needed to succeed in their new role.

Key Element of the Journey


1. Pre-Leadership Behaviour Assessment: Each participant was administered the AI-based Leadership Behaviour Assessment to gain a comprehensive outlook on their leadership profiles. This enabled them to better comprehend their strengths and areas for development.

Participants were encouraged to specifically focus on their “two least applied behaviour.”

2. Virtual Instructor-led Sessions: These sessions cover critical areas, including knowing oneself, being a new age people manager, and driving results.

They provide hands-on learning experiences and opportunities for participants to interact and collaborate with their peers and contextualized examples.

The pedagogical approach for Stepping into Leadership Intervention combines various learning methods such as role-plays, immersion activities, case studies, videos, in-depth discussions.

Virtual Instructor-Led Training Sessionsalso provided an opportunity to conduct a short assignment debrief and the opportunity for the participants to present their application assignments.

3. Gamification:We introduced a third party platform which was an interactive, game-based learning Application that uses gamification to engage participants while reinforcing key concepts and skills. 

  1. Ease of Use:Its mobile-first design made assessments intuitive and easy to use, reducing the anxiety associated with traditional assessments.
  2. Bite-sized Learning:Micro-skills offered bite-sized, highly focused mobile learning content through interactive "Learning Aids," making learning more accessible and engaging.
  3. Game-based Assessments: Interactive microlearning modules were enhanced with game-based assessments, boosting engagement and adoption. This approach facilitated habitual learning, fitting seamlessly into participants' busy schedules and improving retention.

         Advantages of Game-based Assessments:

  1. Offers more variety than traditional assessments.
  2. Enhances cognitive skills while assessing competence or skill.
  3. Increases adoption by resembling familiar activities, such as playing casual games, during downtime.

4. On-the Job Application Assignment projects: These projects offer participants the opportunity to apply their newly acquired skills in real-world situations, allowing them to see the direct impact of their learning. 

5. Post-Leadership Behaviour AssessmentThe aim of post-assessment was to provide participants with evidence-based insights highlighting their strengths and development areas and capture the needle movement made on their “least applied behaviours”.

To aid the participants in the developmental journey, the report also delineates ‘Developmental Suggestions’ that participants may leverage.

6. Certification & Closure:Towards the end of the journey, it is important to acknowledge that learning itself is the most significant certification. However, the aim is to sustain high morale and enthusiasm by felicitating participants with certificates and badges aligned with the certification categories they've achieved.

The detailed design and delivery of the frontline leader development program, SIL initiative, ensured that participants had a well-rounded, engaging, and effective learning experience, preparing them to excel in their new managerial roles. 

Adoption of the Program

The adoption of the Stepping into Leadership program was driven by several strategies that facilitated a smooth implementation while addressing potential challenges.

i. Collaboration with the Business Leaders:The designing process of the Stepping into Leadership journey was a collaborative effort involving both the L&D team and business leaders.

  1. Rather than being solely driven by the perspectives of the L&D team, multiple iterations and discussions were conducted to determine the content's scope. Business leaders actively engaged in this process, contributing insights and feedback to ensure that the solution design and modules addressed critical business challenges effectively.
  2. Colt prioritized securing buy-in from all involved businesses by implementing a robust content validation process. This process included engaging relevant stakeholders, such as business sponsors, in thorough reviews and approvals. By involving key stakeholders throughout the validation process, Colt ensured alignment with business objectives and needs, enhancing the overall acceptance and relevance of the SIL journey.
  3. In addition to content validation, Colt conducted beta sessions with an actual sample audience to test the delivery and effectiveness of the content. These sessions provided an opportunity to gather real-time feedback from participants, allowing Colt to identify areas for improvement and refine the content accordingly.

By incorporating feedback from beta sessions before the official rollout to new managers, Colt ensured that the content was well-received and impactful upon implementation.

ii. Supervisor Buy-in

  1. Through compelling narratives highlighting the program's goals, advantages, and transformative potential for both the organization and its employees, Colt conducted ‘supervisor alignment sessions’ highlighting their role in the developmental journey of their team members. This garnered the crucial support from supervisors needed to propel the initiative forward.
  2. At the conclusion of the program, supervisors received copies of scorecards, certificates, and badges to demonstrate participants' progress.

iii. Robust Communication Plan:A comprehensive communication plan was developed that was consistently applied across all program cohorts.

  1. Each communication was scheduled in advance to ensure timely delivery and maintain consistency.
  2. This included announcements at program launch, introductions to program elements, overviews of virtual instructor-led sessions, and reminders for completing activities.

iv. Advance planning and scheduling: Considering the participants dynamic nature of work, it was acknowledged that the need for them to invest their time thoughtfully was needed.

To encourage maximum participation and engagement, the idea of releasing module-wise calendars was proposed. This allowed participants to plan ahead and block out time in their schedules accordingly.

v. Certification Criteria:The implementation of certification criteria, which assigned points to each milestone, significantly boosted engagement levels.

  1. These criteria were consistently emphasized during all Virtual Instructor-Led Training sessions to sustain momentum.
  2. Additionally, module-wise dashboards were regularly updated and shared, ensuring participants could monitor their progress and catch up on any pending activities sensitively.

vi. Community Building via MS Teams

  1. The essence of collaborative learning was harnessed through MS Teams that facilitated the exchange of knowledge, rapid resolution of issues, effective problem-solving, and the tackling of challenges.
  2. This environment also fostered peer learning, best practice sharing and co-creation of a dynamic and enriching learning experience.

vii. Closure & Certification: After the completion of the journey, participants underwent evaluation based on the certification criteria and were categorized as follows:

The participants were then felicitated by recognizing and incentivizing learning accomplishments with certificates and badges, fostering a culture of growth and achievement.

By employing these strategies and processes, the organization drove the adoption of the frontline leader development program and tackled challenges proactively. As a result, the program experienced a successful implementation, enabling participants to develop essential leadership skills and contribute positively to the organization's growth. 

The Propelling forces.

Sustaining employee motivation beyond the initial phase is of paramount significance.

Here are some measures undertaken:

  1. Enhance the appeal of training sessions and ensure they are effortlessly accessible for on-demand learning.
  2. Consistently gather employee insights regarding training initiatives, enabling adjustments based on feedback.
  3. Introduce an element of healthy competition through leaderboards and achievement scorecards.
  4. Recognize and incentivize learning accomplishments with certificates and badges, fostering a culture of growth and achievement.

Measurable Benefits

Nearly 236 participants, divided into 10 Cohorts, were nominated for the Stepping into Leadership Journey

  1. 83%of participants completed and got certified on the Stepping Into leadership Program.
  2. 52%of the participants earned the ‘Platinum certification badge.
  3. The virtual instructor lead sessions yielded a feedback score of over 4.5/5 while the collective NPS (Recommendation to others) was 8.7/10
  4. High completion rate of over 80% (gamified learning modules)substantiates the fact that the gamified platform was well received as a method of learning and that the certification criteria had a noticeable impact in driving completion.

The average completion rate of the application assignment saw an increase of 4% compared to thePilot batch (currently at 71%), which indicates that the participants found these assignments engaging and relevant to the learning modules.

For all the application assignments, more than 60% of the participants (out of the total assignments received) scored more than 85% marks, which is reflective of the distinguished quality of the assignments submitted by the participants.

  1. 96.5%of the participants showed positive movement in the least applied behaviors identified.
  2. Specifically, 77% of the participants displayed a positive movement in their 2 or more than 2 least applied behaviors.
  3. An average of 7.81% increase from pre to post assessment was observed in the least applied behaviors of the participants at an individual level.
  4. A statistically significant improvement in Management as an overall area (+ 4% from last year, was observed.
  5. Over 86%favorable scores were seen on the role managers played in developing their people and removing obstacles to their work alongside doing a good job of building teamwork.


A successful leadership program is more than just a series of training sessions and workshops; it is a holistic approach to cultivating leaders who can inspire, innovate, and drive positive change. By focusing on key elements such as mentorship, hands-on experience, continuous learning, and a supportive culture, organizations can develop leaders who are not only skilled and knowledgeable but also empathetic and visionary.

The true measure of a successful leadership program lies in its ability to produce leaders who can adapt to changing environments, make informed decisions, and motivate their teams to achieve extraordinary results. As these leaders grow, they, in turn, create a ripple effect, fostering a culture of excellence and empowerment throughout the organization.

In conclusion, investing in a robust leadership program is an investment in the future success and sustainability of any organization. By nurturing talent from within and equipping leaders with the necessary tools and mindset, organizations can ensure they remain resilient, innovative, and competitive in an ever-evolving landscape. The journey of leadership development is ongoing, but with a well-structured program, the path to impactful and enduring leadership is well within reach.


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