Sustain - Strategies That Saved Us

The only way you can sustain a permanent change is to create a new way of thinking, acting, and being. — Jennifer Hudson

Covid-19 has propelled each one of us to redefine the norms. No aspect of life remained untouched. Organizations changed to survive and sustain themselves. Few changed to follow others, many to maintain, and remaining just to follow the trend. Whatsoever be the circumstance, we all changed. Physical to virtual? Done! Virtual to hybrid? Done!
As the second wave emerged, the distress once again shook the foundations laid down, keeping the 1st wave's impact in mind. It hit us hard and made us believe that we weren't prepared; we can't be fully prepared as we don't know what's next and what's new. EVERY NEXT IS BECOMING A NEW NORM. 
Alternative with us? To adapt and embrace!
It's commendable for an economy like India to bounce back so soon, to the plausible extent. The government played its role well, but organizations became superlatively intuitive to gauge the transformational needs to stay in the game. No leader shied away from changing and redefining everything from the core. The moves defined were daunting, but everybody took that leap with some sense of intuitive faith. Presumably, there was no other way out either. Aries Spears said, "To sustain longevity, you have to evolve."; leaders did that.
What was the magic? What kept these companies afloat? 
Primarily, the approach! That remained open and flexible for changes, modifications, and adaptations. Organizations redefined strategies to safeguard business but people first. Companies that managed to save their resources became much more resourceful later, much sooner. Here is how:
Self-positioning: The most important of all is to know who you are, where you are, what you are capable of, what your weaknesses are, and how far you can go/change. Only then can we revive ourselves or others. Organizations that evaluated, assessed, and analyzed themselves before determining any move were at a better place with a better pace. To make change sustain, the important thing is "end-to-end" performance. — Pearl Zhu
Upskill: As rightly said, "what got you here won't take you there." So once you define "THERE," you should prepare for the same, which means investing well in yourself (resources, processes)—attaining more knowledge and expertise than you already have. According to the survey, 91% of professionals said they had to learn new skills to do their job effectively, and around 92% of Indian employees in a survey have accepted a skill gap in the country, and they need to upskill to face the competition in the job market- Udemy. Organizations judiciously invested in their resources and guaranteed that they get equipped for now and the future too.
Safety: It's all about people! They are the most critical assets, and that has to be realized, practiced, and showcased. We all went through a very turbulent phase, and leaders understood the importance of the safety and wellness of their resources above everything, including business. Organizations that took care of their people were later well taken care of by them in return. There were distinct challenges in many sectors, but organizations sailed through if they managed to remain precise, transparent, authentic, and concerned.
Technology: Digital adaptation became imperative to business success. Amidst pandemic, nothing moved an inch if it wasn't digital. We have passed through a phase that made everything standstill; only the VIRTUAL world remained REAL. So, organizations with timely acceptance and evolution figured out how to survive much faster than the others.
Adaptable: Water takes the shape of the vessel. It fits in well as it's not rigid. The situation is so uncertain that no one can define the right shape to fit in. We have to remain as fluid as water to fit in, as and when required. Many organizations changed initially, and then they were resistant to change any further, thinking that they will lose the core. The balance has to be found where the fundamentals and core remain untouched, but the system adapts to a plug-and-play model. Change today is not just the only constant thing but also a continuous one. We need to match the speed to stay up-to-date. Organizations with more adaptive, nimble, and adequate approaches managed to handle the unprecedented scenario, saving all involved from the disturbing impact. 
Intuitive: Data is everywhere and is everything! One must know to use it well for the benefit of the organization and people. We may not know the exact stage, but we will reach somewhere closer with analysis and attention. Studies should help understand the market, what the future holds as per the current trends and expected changes; based on that, organizations should define their future strategies. Look at the present scenario; organizations didn't go for 100% WFO after the Covid-19 1st wave. Leaders determined data-driven SMART strategies accordingly to understand where they may land later and the most feasible solution for their people and the system.
Need-based: Don't adopt because others are taking that route. Even the best course without purpose will lead us to nowhere. Identify the needs of your system and take just what is required and when is that required.  Changing everything at once because of the fear of missing out will lead to a more destructive output than a constructive one. Know your people, processes, clients, market, self, and then plan. 
The acronym adopted above is SUSTAIN, and if we take care of these essential perspectives, we would be prepared to make the transformational journey more productive. Like Tom Rath said, "Even if people just change two or three things that they are able to sustain over time, it makes quite a difference eventually. Stay there!
Change is vital, and no matter how great we are today, we have to stay open to the change and adapt to the situation as and when needed. Organizations should define the path depending on where they are today, where they wish to reach, how and most importantly, why! 
Changing gears is essential, but it depends on where you are driving and how slow or fast you should be going.
As C.S. Lewis rightly stated that "You can't go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending."

NOW is the time; start well and continue well!

Strategy sustainability hr leadership adaptability agility new normal technology safety upskilling