Chai Break

Garima Kothari
Garima Kothari
Unit HR Head - Hindustan Zinc Limited, Zawar IBU

“PeopleFirst Leader” Award Winner at PeopleFirst HR Excellence Awards 2024

Garima Kothari is a seasoned HR professional with over 11 years of experience in human resources management. Currently serving as the Unit HR Head at the Zawar location of Hindustan Zinc Limited, Garima has been a pivotal figure in the organization since she started in 2013. She has witnessed a fascinating transition: a move from traditional HR practices to embracing cutting-edge AI integration She contributed in various HR processes like Training and Development, Performance Management, Employee Relations, Talent Acquisition and Management, Audits, Compliance and Policy Development, Employee Wellbeing. Garima has majorly worked on the DEI initiatives and Inhouse Skill development of workforce to support the organization.

Q:What motivated you to pursue a career in human resources, and how has your journey led you to this point of recognition?
A:My motivation to pursue a career in HR stemmed from a deep-rooted passion for people and a desire to create positive workplace environments where individuals can thrive. Early in my career, I had the privilege of working alongside inspiring mentors who emphasized the importance of empathy, inclusivity, and strategic thinking in HR practices. Their guidance instilled in me a belief that HR is not just about managing resources; it's about empowering individuals and fostering employee well-being. Throughout my journey, I have focused on continuous learning and growth. Each role I have taken on has been a steppingstone, allowing me to contribute to initiatives that enhance employee experience and align with business objectives.

Receiving the People First HR Excellence Award is a significant milestone in my career, and it reflects not only my dedication but also the incredible support and collaboration I have received from my colleagues and leadership teams. This recognition reinforces my belief that when we put people first, we create an environment where everyone can excel. As I continue this path, I remain committed to advocating for employees and driving innovative HR practices that foster growth and inclusivity. I look forward to continuing to make a meaningful impact in the field of human resources.
Q:Could you share a specific project or initiative in which you demonstrated exceptional HR leadership and innovation? What were the key outcomes and lessons learned?
A:To showcase my leadership and innovation, I'd like to share two initiatives. First, I led a program to empower local women by training them to drive light motor vehicles (LMVs), helping them obtain licenses, and hiring them as drivers. The goal is to transition them to Heavy Earth Moving Machinery (HEMM) Operators in underground operations, post the regulatory approval.

Second, I championed diversity by implementing measures like deploying women in previously male-dominated backshift roles in the Mill and Lab. Through encouragement, collaboration with mill and security teams to create a safe and supportive environment, we've fostered a more balanced workforce and opened doors for women's potential.

Furthermore, I have also led some of the high impact skill development programs like "Career Compass" and "Mining Academy." These programs ensure upskilling and development for our employees across technical, behavioural, safety, and practical knowledge areas.

This experience solidified my belief that HR plays a strategic role in business success and building positive work environments. Witnessing employee growth and success, knowing I contributed, is incredibly rewarding.
Q:How do you think PeopleFirst HR Excellence awards contributes towards felicitating exceptional contributions towards HR fraternity?
A:The PeopleFirst HR Excellence Awards shine a spotlight on exceptional work in the HR field. They showcase success stories and innovative practices from various industries, highlighting best practices and inspiring new solutions.

These awards go beyond recognition, not only celebrating outstanding achievements of HR teams and leaders but also setting a high bar for others to aim for and emulate. These platforms further elevate the impact by providing opportunities for HR professionals to network with each other, share ideas, and learn from each other's experiences. This exchange fosters a spirit of innovation and ultimately benefits businesses by attracting top talent and driving success through a positive work environment.
Q:In your experience, what qualities and skills are essential for HR professionals to succeed and make a positive impact in today's dynamic workplace environment?
A:Having a strong emotional IQ and cultural understanding is critical for HR success in today's dynamic environment. HR is all about people, so navigating emotions and behaviours is key to leading effectively and resolving conflicts.

Furthermore, today's workforce is diverse while data and technology are on the rise, HR needs to foster an inclusive and respectful environment through clear and empathetic communication as it builds trust with employees, helps resolve conflicts, and ensures HR initiatives are well-received.
Q:Would you recommend PeopleFirst HR Excellence awards, to more members of your fraternity and why?
A:Absolutely, I would highly recommend the PeopleFirst HR Excellence Awards to more members of our HR fraternity. These awards are a prestigious recognition that not only honour individual and team achievements but also spotlight innovative and impactful HR practices within our industry.

Firstly, the People First HR Excellence Awards provide a unique platform to celebrate the dedication and hard work of HR professionals. Often, the contributions of HR teams go unnoticed, despite being crucial to the success and well-being of an organization. These awards bring much-needed visibility and appreciation to our efforts, boosting morale and encouraging a culture of excellence within the HR community.

Secondly, participating in these awards fosters a spirit of healthy competition and continuous improvement. The rigorous evaluation process encourages us to critically assess our strategies and initiatives, driving us to innovate and strive for higher standards in our HR practices. Moreover, the People First HR Excellence Awards provide invaluable networking opportunities. They bring together HR professionals from diverse industries and backgrounds, facilitating the exchange of ideas, best practices, and experiences.

Lastly, these awards serve as an inspiration for future HR leaders. They highlight the tangible impact that strategic and compassionate HR practices can have on both employees and the organization. By showcasing success stories, the awards motivate emerging HR professionals to pursue excellence and make meaningful contributions to their field.