Chai Break

Gagan Arora
Gagan Arora
Founder & President - Vertex group

Jury  Member at PeopleFirst HR Excellence Awards 2024

Gagan has built a globally ranked 19th workplace with over 21 years of experience and a reputation for innovative leadership. Vertex Group, under his guidance, operates in 7+ countries with a team of 4000+ employees across 60+ languages and industries. He serves as Chairman of the Foreign Investors Council, Trade Commissioner - India to Nigeria (IATC), and a member of the Forbes Technology Council.

In just 7 years, Gagan has expanded Vertex Group internationally and has been honored four times as a Forbes World's Greatest Leader and seven times with the BEST CEO Award. His entrepreneurial spirit and business acumen make him a standout leader.

Q:How do you think PeopleFirst HR Excellence awards contributes towards felicitating exceptional contributions towards HR fraternity?
A:The PeopleFirst HR Excellence Awards really shine a spotlight on those who are making a big impact in HR. By honouring exceptional individuals and companies, they not only celebrate success but also set a benchmark for what great HR looks like. It's like giving a high-five to those who are rocking it in managing people and fostering great workplaces. Winning one of these awards not only boosts your reputation but also inspires others to step up their game. It's basically all about recognizing and encouraging excellence in how we handle our most important asset: our people.
Q:Would you recommend PeopleFirst HR Excellence awards, to more members of your fraternity and why?
A:Absolutely, I would recommend the PeopleFirst HR Excellence Awards to more members of the HR fraternity. These awards are not just about getting recognized but a chance to show what you've achieved, pick up tips from other successful folks, and discover new HR tricks that could make a real difference. Being part of these awards isn't just about celebrating the best practices—it's about everyone pushing each other to do better and sharing knowledge to improve how we take care of our teams. these awards can inspire and motivate individuals and organizations to strive for excellence in their HR strategies and outcomes.
Q:What advice would you offer to aspiring HR professionals who aim to excel in their careers and make a meaningful contribution to their organizations?
A:My advice to aspiring HR professionals is to focus on continuous learning, soft skills development, building strong relationships, embracing technology, being proactive, maintaining ethical standards, and networking. By staying updated, improving communication, fostering connections, utilizing tech tools, taking initiative, upholding ethics, and networking with peers, you can make a meaningful contribution to your organization and advance in your HR career.
Q:What role does leadership development play in your HR strategy, and how do you identify and nurture leadership talent within your organization?
A:Leadership development is pivotal in our HR strategy as it ensures sustainable growth and a strong organizational culture. We spot potential leaders through careful performance assessments and identifying those with promise. Nurturing involves tailored development plans, mentorship, and opportunities for stretch assignments. This way, we not only develop strong leaders but also build a steady stream of talent crucial for our organization's lasting success.
Q:What role, according to you does an award play in boosting morale and productivity of the employees?
A:According to my perspective, an award plays a crucial role in boosting employee morale and productivity. It serves as recognition for outstanding performance, reinforcing positive behaviour and dedication. Awards make employees feel accomplished and proud, pushing them to keep raising the bar. This recognition not only boosts job satisfaction and morale but also amps up overall engagement and productivity. Plus, awards can spark healthy competition and motivate folks to keep striving for better, benefiting everyone in the team and the organization as a whole.