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Shantanu Rooj
Shantanu Rooj
Founder & CEO - TeamLease EdTech

Shantanu is the Founder & CEO of TeamLease EdTech, India's leading learning solutions company providing comprehensive services across universities and corporates; it helps Universities launch, run and manage their own Online Programs, helps Institutes improve employability of their students and helps Corporates upskill & reskill their workforce. In his current role, he oversees strategic operations, P&L management, special projects, etc., managing the overall organization's growth trajectory. An IIT (BHU) and IIM Calcutta alumnus, Shantanu is widely recognized as a serial entrepreneur who has successfully led his ventures to successful IPOs/Acquisition. Shantanu is a passionate business strategy professional, a serial entrepreneur and a columnist and has been speaking/writing extensively about his vision of the Future of Higher Education.

Q:What strikes you as a revolution in the space of outsourcing?
A:The revolution in strategic outsourcing is driven by digital transformation today; integrating advanced technologies like AI, Big Data and Cloud Computing, is making the processes more efficient, flexible, and scalable. The world has also made significant advances in data security management, privacy compliance, remote work opportunities and outcome-based contracts that bring credibility and resilience to the entire process of outsourcing. This evolving paradigm offers improved efficiency, sustainability, and adaptability to meet the changing needs of businesses in an increasingly interconnected world.
Q:What are the top 2 risks organizations deal with while outsourcing core services?
A:Organizations face significant risks when outsourcing core services, with two of the most prominent being data security and loss of control. Data security vulnerabilities can lead to breaches, compromising sensitive information while loss of control can result from entrusting critical operations to third parties, potentially impacting quality, service levels, and compliance. These risks demand robust contracts, rigorous due diligence, and continuous monitoring to safeguard data and ensure that outsourcing partners meet performance standards.
Q:How do we prevent culture from getting impacted with outsourcing?
A:Preventing culture from being negatively impacted by outsourcing involves several key strategies – starting from clearly communicating the organizational culture and values to outsourcing partners to ensuring alignment, implement regular training and workshops that reinforce cultural norms, establish strong governance and oversight mechanisms to monitor adherence to cultural standards and fostering a collaborative and inclusive environment by involving outsourced teams in decision-making and cultural initiatives. Building a shared sense of purpose, open communication, and respecting cultural differences are essential for preserving the desired culture while benefiting from outsourcing.
Q:Any one example from your experiences to celebrate the success of outsourcing?
A:At TeamLease EdTech, we work with a large number of partners who work with us while we create content for our learners; the assembly line, tech-powered process ensures a seamless interaction between the partners while driving productivity and accountability. Our ability to harmonise our values, culture and quality standards with in-built rewards system have helped manage the process very well for the last 8 years.
Q:What is the future of strategic outsourcing in India?
A:The future of strategic outsourcing in India remains quite promising; India has established itself as a global outsourcing hub, especially in IT and BPO services. The future will likely see a shift toward higher-value services, including AI, data analytics, and research, while maintaining traditional services like manufacturing, customer support and software development. The adoption of digital technologies and automation will drive efficiency, and India's skilled workforce will remain a valuable asset.