Stress at Workplace

The coronavirus pandemic has led to a record economic upheaval that has shaken businesses to their roots. The global business closures and economic inactivity have caused many employers to offer pay cuts, reduce workforce strength, or shut down all operations. Consequently, as companies ask their workers to return to work, employees have to deal with higher stress levels than before the pandemic. 
Workplace stress is not a novel phenomenon. But in the context of the coronavirus pandemic, workplace stress has heightened More than 70% of Indian workers report that the COVID-19 pandemic has been the most stressful time of their career. The survey also found that 88% of workers reported experiencing moderate to severe stress during phase 2 of this pandemic. Among the employees reporting higher stress levels, 62% noted losing at least an hour a day in productivity. Loss of productivity is not good for any organization.
A quote by Kelly O’laughlin – “Putting in slightly less effort in times of high stress doesn’t mean you don’t care about your job, it means you care about yourself more.
Stress at Workplace