3 Ways To De stress Yourself With Healthy Living

When we face a stressor, whether physical or mental, our bodies go through what’s called general adaptation syndrome (GAS). GAS is a three-stage response: alarm, resistance, and exhaustion. Adaptogens help us stay in the resistance phase longer, via a stimulating effect that holds off the exhaustion. Instead of crashing in the midst of a stressful moment, task, or event, we attain equilibrium and can soldier on.
In our today's session we would learn simple ways to bring a big change in life.
It's not just food, just exercise or just meditation.
Body is one and in it lies the soul or spirit and we got to nourish both.
While you eat healthy food and exercise, mediation, connecting to yourself is equally important.
It's all about bringing a holistic change.
How can we bring this holistic change, let’s hear it from our expert today.
3 Ways To De stress Yourself With Healthy Living