Management and Strategic lessons from Panchatantra

Panchatantra showcases various business and management crisis situations which should be handled under properly managed emotions, and the key to such decisions is to foresee and plan as much as practically possible - prior to the incident occurs.
However, unforeseen incidents simply happen! Herein, we discuss actions related to managing a crisis, that stands testimony to the priceless, ageless wisdom contained in the 5000-year-old Panchatantra!
Every business exposes itself to a certain amount of threats and uncertainties, or in other words: risk. Risks may arise from multiple events and scenarios, like legal liabilities, project failures, uncertainty in financial markets, even threats by natural causes and deliberate attack from adversaries.
How can Panchatantra help us in getting answers to our situations in crisis lets hear it from our expert.
Management and Strategic lessons from Panchatantra