ROI Driven Learning and Organisation Development Interventions

55 percent of high-growth companies had averaged 30-50 learning hours per employee. In contrast, 61 percent of low-growth companies had only 0-30 hours of average learning per employee, according to a research study. According to the same study, 59 percent of high-growth companies spent above average per employee on L&D.  
Measuring the return on investment in learning and development initiatives is tough to do.  Whether it is technical or non-technical, the impact of the learning programs can only be truly measured over a period of time.
A quote by Jason Wingard - “By investing in corporate learning, employers have the power to address millennial retention in three key areas: talent attraction; job readiness; and culture change.”
How can ROI Driven learning help and benefit Organization? Let’s hear it from our speaker today.
ROI Driven Learning and Organisation Development Interventions